A UNESCO Learning City is a city that promotes lifelong learning to all its citizens. Lifelong learning lays the foundation for sustainable social, economic and environmental development. The idea of learning throughout life is deeply rooted in all cultures. However, it is becoming increasingly relevant in today’s fast-changing world, where social, economic and political norms are constantly being redefined.
Studies have shown that lifelong learners – citizens who acquire new knowledge, skills and attitudes in a wide range of contexts – are better equipped to adapt to changes in their environments. Lifelong learning and the learning society, therefore, have a vital role to play in empowering citizens and effecting a transition to sustainable societies.
Creating a connected learning city that gives its citizens the opportunities and information to make choices in regards to their future life paths is the first step to ensure that we have a highly skilled and employable workforce on our doorstep. A highly skilled, educated population will attract inward investment and in turn, will create more employment and educational opportunities for everyone.